IVDD in Dogs: What You Need to Know

If you're a dog owner, you've probably heard of IVDD. But what is it, and what does it mean for your furry friend? IVDD stands for Intervertebral Disc Disease. It's a condition that can cause pain and mobility issues in dogs, and it's something that all dog owners should be aware of. Here's what you need to know about IVDD in dogs.


What actually is IVDD?

IVDD is a condition that affects the discs between a dog's vertebrae. These discs are filled with a gel-like substance that acts as a cushion, and they help the spine move smoothly. In dogs with IVDD, these discs can become herniated or degenerated, which can lead to pain and mobility issues.


Symptoms of IVDD

The most common symptom of IVDD is back pain. This can manifest as reluctance to move, difficulty getting up or lying down, or yelping when touched. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, lethargy, and weakness in the legs. If your dog is showing any of these symptoms, it's important to take them to the vet for an examination as soon as possible. Time is of the essence with the treatment.


Diagnosing IVDD

Your vet will likely start by checking the whole body and especially the spine. Some vets suggest taking X-rays of your dog's spine. For IVDD this can be a waste of your money. Your vet may also recommend having an CT done to get a more detailed look at the discs. Once IVDD has been diagnosed, your vet will develop a treatment plan based on the severity of your dog's condition.


Treatment for IVDD

For mild cases of IVDD, your vet may recommend crate rest and pain medication. For more severe cases, a CT scan is recommended and then surgery may be necessary to remove the herniated disc and relieve pressure on the spine. After surgery, your dog will need several weeks of crate rest and physical therapy to recover properly.


IVDD is a serious condition that can cause pain and mobility issues in dogs. But with early diagnosis and proper treatment, most dogs are able to recover fully and live long, healthy lives. If you think your dog may be showing symptoms of IVDD, don't hesitate to contact your veterinarian for an appointment straight away.

The IVDD Packs are a great tool to have whilst crating your IVDD dog.


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